On May 2, 2020, the Beta Psi class hosted its first fundraising event as New Actives! Originally intended to be a physical event on Bruinwalk, this super SWEET online event brought out the creativity and silliness in all participants. During the first Kappa Kappa Psi Pie-in-the-Face Fundraiser, Chapter members, as well as their friends and family, had the opportunity to pay to pie other members in the face over Zoom! There were a few people who pied themselves, but most volunteers were pied by a parent, sibling, or roommate in their household, which made the experience funnier and more interactive! This prompted a lot more participants, and pretty soon, family members and friends were joining the call and paying the chapter’s Venmo to pie certain Psi members! Not everyone had whipped cream lying around the house, so there were many creative alternatives involved! Brothers were getting pied with chocolate pudding, shaving cream, lotion, and mashed potatoes; some were even sprayed with hose water! Band Director Kevin McKeown himself attended the Zoom call, and was pied multiple times by practically everyone in attendance. Overall, it was a really fun and successful event for Chapter, and a great way for everyone to see each other again, despite quarantine! As the ultimate finale, everyone on the call pied themselves one last time, at the exact same time! Comments are closed.
Marissa Pe