The Brotherhood
As soon as our time begins as an active member of this fraternity, we are acquainted and accepted into the unique bond that is our brotherhood. Regardless of our background, instrument, major, or year, we understand that there is more that we have in common than what makes us different. Not only are we encouraged to regularly remind our fellow Brothers what they mean to us, we also hold regular socials and events to catch up with one another, perhaps console one another during a particularly difficult quarter, but mainly enjoy each others' presence.
Beach House
Every year after a new candidate class is initiated into chapter, we embark on our annual retreat, staying for a weekend in a Beach House. During this time, the Psi Chapter can take a little break from the Westwood scenery, play sports and board games, cook some delicious meals, and most of all spend quality time with one another and dedicate time to purposefully strengthening our Brotherhood. Flip through our slideshow to see our adventures from Beach House 2018!
Geoffrey T. Goat
Geoffrey The Goat is the Psi Chapter's mascot. Every week, the Brotherhood Relations Officer offers Chapter the opportunity to win a week spent with Geoffrey. Our Brothers are ecstatic to be able to take Geoffrey on their weekly adventures, and return to the next meeting with fanciful descriptions of how Geoffrey spent his week. We love Geoffrey. Take a look at some of Geoffrey's adventures below: