Volume XVI - Issue III - Spring 2021 Hello alumni!
Here it is, the last edition of the Encore for the 2020-21 school year. Hopefully (and I say this with nearly full confidence, but you never know) this will also be the last edition of the Encore brought to you during this era of completely remote learning. I'm sure you're as excited for a return to normalcy as I am! Summer is in full swing but we would be remiss without a recap of this past spring quarter. As always, our Chapter had an ambitious quarter full of projects and events. Some were new -- like our Alumni v. Active Jeopardy Trivia night -- while others were more familiar -- like our 4th annual Day of Music and Leadership (DOMAL). All events provided opportunities for our Brothers to engage in service, music, leadership, and brotherhood whilst staying connected. Continue reading to see what we've been up to, as well as to celebrate some new and old faces: particularly in our Senior Spotlights and in messages from your new Psi President and Alumni Relations Officer. Speaking of our new officers... Without further ado, I am incredibly proud and excited to present to you: the Psi Chapter Officers for the 2021-22 school year! President: Gina Talcott Vice President of Membership: Ariel Fernandez Sergeant-at-Arms: Natalie Wang Director of Service: Joshua Cielo Director of Music: Renee Shanteler Treasurer: Samuel Black Brotherhood Relations Officer: Alannah Linden Director of Brotherhood/Sisterhood Relations: Sheryl Ocampo Director of Band Activities: Brianna Becerra Secretary: Bryan Jefferson Alumni Relations Officer: Angel Lopez Historian: Olivia Raskin Webmaster: Adam Traut Congratulations to all our new officers! I am grateful to know this Chapter is in great hands as I graduate and join you all as a Psi alumnus. With that being said, I want to offer you all my sincere thanks and appreciation for embracing me as your Alumni Relations Officer this year. I was able to meet and reconnect with many of you, and I hope the future holds even more of those relationships to be created and cherished. Thank you for trusting me as your point-person of contact, allowing me to try new things in this role, and for coming to my events (I hope you had a great time). Above all, thank you for trusting me with the legacy of this Chapter's alumni base. I am extremely grateful for your Brotherhood, and your involvement -- in ways both large and small! AEA, Carrie Appel Beta Chi Alumni Relations Officer, 2020-21 Comments are closed.
Marissa Pe