By Alannah Linden, ΒΩ Due to the global pandemic, the usual Active / New Active basketball game has become a virtual Family Feud night where the returning active members and new active members play for the victory title. This year's event took place on April 23, 2021 at 6 pm via Zoom, featuring questions such as, “name a behavior a dog would get away with that a person wouldn’t,” “how many days can you keep a banana before it goes bad?”, “name something you haven’t done since high school gym class,” and more!
For those that don’t know, Family Feud is a game in which each team attempts to come up with “popular” items to win points. If one team guesses an item that isn’t on the list, the turn goes to the next team. The event was organized by our Brotherhood Relations Officer Ryan Lee, who said about the event, “I thought it went really well! I was super excited to see the number of returning and new actives that showed up for some friendly competition. It was a great way to break the new active win streak.” That’s right: for the first time in 3 years, the returning active members won, but not without a strong fight from the new actives. Once brothers had logged on to the meeting, the two groups split into separate breakout rooms to come up with a game strategy and team member roles. After about ten minutes of deliberation, the friendly competition began. As each team took turns responding to the questions on the board, it became apparent that the returning active members were taking the lead. The event reached the final round, in which only two members from each team had to respond to each question with different answers to get more points (the “fast money” round). Kevin Reidy and Gabriel Ramirez represented the returning actives team, while Connor Lantz and Alannah Linden played for the new actives. Although the new actives scored more points in the fast money round, the returning actives had scored enough previously in the game to win victory. Overall, it was a great game, a fun night, and a brilliant way for new and returning actives to bond as one chapter. Comments are closed.
Marissa Pe