By Fidel Negrete, BΨ Throughout our very successful marching band season this past fall quarter, our Vice President of Membership, Ariel Fernandez, was hard at work organizing five wonderful recruitment events for our Gamma Alpha class. Three of these events were new for us returning in person, and we were very excited to see so many new and familiar faces join us after last year’s online membership process. Hype for in-person recruitment events!
Joint Info Night In spite of some technical difficulties with the slide presentation, officers from both Psi and EK were eager to introduce the prospective candidates to the orgs. They were invited to learn about our history on this campus and our purposes, allowing them to ask questions about the candidate process. Joint Speed Dating Once again, Brothers and Sisters collaborated to organize our “speed dating” event, with actives and prospective candidates forming concentric circles and briefly getting to know each other through thoughtful and wacky questions (e.g. If the Starship bots started taking over the world, what would you do?). I had a blast with actives Angel Lopez and Natalie Wang, learning more about these great people! Through brief interactions, both actives and prospective candidates were able to get a better introduction to these new faces. Cards and Coffee For our service recruitment event, prospective candidates were invited to dip into their creativity and make some cards on a pleasant Saturday morning for nearby children’s hospitals. This event proved to be my personal favorite because of the calm and relaxing vibes, and because we were happy to spread love and kindness through our crafts. P(s)izza Night Brothers were happy to gather over some pizza and share their values to prospective candidates after band rehearsal. With presentations from current officers about their positions, as well as actives Alexis Arredondo, Sophia Buraglio, and Thong Dinh sharing their experiences, prospective candidates were able to hear first hand what it is like to be an active member of chapter! PsiEK Self-Care Day Prospective candidates were able to disengage from academic stress during week ten for our last recruitment event at the Hedrick Hall movement studio. Refreshing face masks and chill music set the relaxing atmosphere, as everybody got to chat and reflect on their fall quarter. The many laughs and experiences shared over these five recruitment events are sure to have inspired prospective candidates to join our chapter. We are thrilled to welcome our Gamma Alpha class! Comments are closed.
Marissa Pe