By JADE MCVAY, BYThroughout this fall quarter, we have kept up many traditions from years past, with a couple of added activities as well! Carrying on the tradition of passing on Geoffrey T. Goat to a new brother in every meeting, Brotherhood Relations Officer Daniel Adea comes up with a Geoffrey Question every week for people to answer. Whoever provides the winning answer get the honor of taking care of our mascot. This brother also takes pictures of Geoffrey and their adventures together throughout that week, and presents a few to chapter at every meeting! Director of Music Emma Boone has continued In-Meeting “rePSItals this year, and we have seen both video submissions and live performances that remind us of the value and importance music has in our lives. She has also continued a portion of meeting called Song of the Week, in which a theme is chosen by the previous week’s winner, and members of chapter compete to see who can contribute the most fitting song for that theme. President Tia Liu has kept the energy of chapter alive through Color Wars competitions, where chapter has been split up into four teams. Each team must complete certain tasks in order to earn points, from planning events and interviewing other brothers to participating in weekly challenges, like taking pictures with brothers on campus! At the end of the quarter, the team with the most points wins a dessert prize! Events like this help encourage brothers to be even more involved in our chapter and events. Additionally, Vice President Joey Auer has kept meetings educational by promoting PMEs, in which members of chapter can talk about and provide information on subjects that they are passionate about. We received Sergeant at Arms Jacob Hambalek’s famous explanation of football this quarter; everyone knew much more going into the upcoming football game that week! Not only does Jacob rock those PMEs, but he has also implemented a new part of meeting this year! Every couple weeks, he hosts a Constitution Kahoot, where members of chapter fight to answer questions about the constitution as quickly as possible. The winning team gets Color Wars points, so there is high motivation to win. Meetings this quarter have been filled with activities to bring us closer together and to allow us to fire up our competitive nature, and we’re looking forward to continuing this trend through 2019 and onwards! Comments are closed.
George MooradianAlumni Relations Officer 2022-2023 Archives
January 2023