Volume XV - Issue II - Winter 2020 Hello alumni!
I hope you are all staying safe and healthy during this very unusual time. I am excited to bring you this edition of the Encore, as our Winter quarter has been one filled with fun and brotherhood. In addition to cheering our Men's and Women's Basketball teams through another exciting season, brothers participated in festive bake sales, many PsiEK and brotherhood bonding activites, and one very tension-filled game of Band Assassins. All the while the candidates of the Beta Psi class continued with their process, attending Degrees, family events, and many interviews filled with laughter and the joy of new connections. However, this time has also been difficult and uncertain. The pandemic has cut both the Winter quarter and the rest of this school year short, and many of the things we look forward to at this time - from basketball trips to Beach House - will unfortunately be unable to take place. With things moving so quickly it has been difficult for our chapter to plan, so we greatly appreciate the patience and support you all have shown while we figure things out! Now that things are settled, at least for the forseeable future, I have some updates for you all regarding how the rest of the year will go. First, the candidate process. Since National requirements state that the process be completed this quarter, candidates are continuing with interviews and Final Project presentations online. While we cannot hold Third Degree this quarter (and are unsure of when we will be able to) Beta Psi will still transition to activehood this month! More information on this can be found in the message from the current chapter president, Daniel Fernandez, which is included below. An important note is that candidate lessons, including the Alumni Panel, are still continuing remotely over Zoom. After deliberation our VP has scheduled the Panel for this Friday, April 10th at 6 p.m. PST. If you are available at this time please let me know! We would love to have you if you are free, especially to try to keep things as normal as possible for our current candidates. Secondly, some info about general operations for this quarter. Chapter meetings are continuing remotely, and we will be holding Elections virtually as well. I am looking forward to announcing our new Officers to you all at the end of the quarter! Any events that cannot be held remotely have been cancelled, including this year's Beach House. Third Degree (and all the events leading up to it) have been postponed, at this point indefinitely since we are unable to be sure when things will return to normal. Otherwise, however, we are trying to carry on as normally as possible! We are still holding virtual social and music events, and trying our best to adapt fundraising and service events. There will be a Spring Encore, and I'm excited to tell you all about our online adventure when that time comes! Until then, and as always, please reach out if you have any questions, concerns, suggestions, or ideas! I hope you are staying healthy and amused if you are at home, and if you work in health or any other essential field I hope you are staying safe and know how much you are appreciated. If you need any help during this time please feel free to reach out as well. Thank you all for your continued support of our chapter even during this crazy time, and hopefully I will be able to see you all soon! :) AEA, Haley Breland Alumni Relations Officer, 2018-2020 Comments are closed.
Marissa Pe