Volume XIV - Issue II - Winter 2019 Welcome to the Winter edition of the Encore, and to our new and improved website! This past quarter has been a great one, with a whirlwind of new activities, fun events, inspiring service, and strengthening friendships. We cheered on our Bruins through another exciting basketball season, and our Women's team even made it all the way to the Sweet Sixteen! Even more exciting was watching our newest group of candidates, Beta Chi, move through the candidate process with a determination, enthusiasm, and poise that makes us glad to welcome them as brothers in the coming week.
Speaking of Third Degree, mark your calendars for Saturday, April 13! As I've mentioned, we'll be having our first Degree Reception before this event as well, starting at 5 p.m. If you like cookies and catching up with your brothers, this event is for you!! Official call time is 6 p.m. We would love to have as many of you there as can make it, so please come out if you can! Thank you for reading and showing your support. We really hope you enjoy this edition and hearing about what we got up to last quarter, and that you're having a great start to the season! I look forward to seeing you all soon! AEA, Haley Nelson, BY Alumni Relations Officer, 2018-2019 Comments are closed.
Marissa Pe