By Sara Acosta, BΦ Sunday Morning Drumline and Guard Breakfast
Drumline and guard luckily got to start band camp a day before everyone else! Brothers and sisters welcomed the sleepy-eyed drummers, twirlers, and flag-bearers outside of Schoenberg Music Building. Drumline and guard members were obviously ecstatic to end their summer break, and did breakfast the right way (minus the Wheaties) with a hearty meal of orange juice, Costco Muffins, and clementines. After breakfast, drumline and guard headed off to practice, and the remaining muffins were given to E-cru as a peace-offering before their fall quarter was consumed by the Penske truck and the Trojan horse. Saturday Evening Pizza Party The night before band camp, the sunken gardens were taken over by the Solid Gold Sound of the UCLA Marching Band. The band members enjoyed Costco pizza and sugary soda. The scene was a beautiful one: freshmen were barraged with questions about their majors and life stories, returning members hugged their friends, brothers, and sisters after a long summer apart, and sections played awkward icebreakers like human knot and big booty. Everyone ate, drank, and was merry because they knew the next day would be filled with basics block, music run-throughs, and the run-on. Diddy Riese Run The already-exhausted band met at the fabled De Neve Crosswalk on Tuesday night to walk down to Westwood’s beloved Diddy Riese. Upperclassmen tried to learn as many freshmen names and majors as they could while eating cheap but delicious ice cream sandwiches. Everyone (at least, the sane bandmembers) tried to turn in early in preparation for the 9 AM call-time. The insane bandmembers heavily considered seeing a late-night movie together at the Bruin Theater before calling it a night. Hail Learning/Hemming Party On Thursday night after evening block, bandmembers met in the Schoenberg band room. Their goal was two-fold: learn the four-part harmony of Hail to the Hills of Westwood and hem the trailing pantlegs of their uniforms. After a couple of hours, these goals were accomplished! The event got even more exciting after two brothers, Garrett Henkle and Kevin Reidy, started playing “Senorita” by Shawn Mendes and Camilla Cabello on the piano. The band sang together and relaxed after a long Thursday full of rehearsal. Ice Cream Social On Tuesday night, one of the last nights of band camp, band members met at the tables outside of Café 1919 to eat ice cream and be social. Brothers and sisters served band members vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry ice cream with caramel and fudge toppings. After dessert, band members played a huge game of rock, paper, scissors and then sat down to play more icebreakers. The event was great way to close out a great band camp! Comments are closed.
Marissa Pe