By Sara Acosta, BΦ On May 1st, 2019, our chapter held its annual Active/New Active basketball game. Brothers began to arrive at the Hitch basketball courts at around 4:30 P.M. to warm up their hoop-shooting muscles for the big game.
Tension between the teams ranged from nonexistent to moderately high as Bigs shouted mild-mannered threats across the court to their Littles. New actives promised to beat the old actives and follow in the footsteps of their class predecessor, Beta Phi. Old actives vowed to defeat the new actives and show the young’uns what they are made of. Gone were the friendly, welcoming faces seen by the candidates during post-degree activities -- the actives meant business. By 5:30 P.M., the game began. Each team sent their starting line-up onto the court. The game would run until a 20-point threshold was met and one of the teams won by two points. Notable offensive plays on the side of the new actives were by Randall Reza Jr., Justin Ward, Liam Wallace, Gus Billing, Naveed Zaman, Adam Pingatore, and Ryan Lee. Despite having varying levels of basketball experience, the new actives played with a lot of heart, suffering a few cuts and bruises along the way. Defensively, new actives Gabriel Ramirez and Kevin Reidy put up a solid wall against the old actives, even as they constantly apologized for stepping on active toes. On the flip side, the old actives saw great offensive contribution from Jacob Hambalek, William “Big Bill” Shu, Trey Knudson, Sean Ezenwugo, Eduardo Giordano, Matthew Chin, Jacob Re, and Keegan Fowler. Defensive contributions were made by Casey Armstrong, Erica Vellanoweth (aided by her Captain Marvel fanny pack), Sara Acosta, Vy Giap, Vito Emanuel, Brandon Free, and David Matter. In the second half, Sean Ezenwugo broke his glasses in a rebound scuffle -- he was a great sport about his loss of sight, however, and stayed upbeat on the sidelines while fiddling with his broken frames. After a long game filled with shows of physical prowess, moments of heightened suspense, and attempts to dunk, the brothers of the Psi chapter finally reached the final score -- 29-28, New Active victory. Beta Chi hard-earned their moment of glory. At the end of the day, brothers congratulated each other on a game well played, and some went to get dinner afterwards. There was brotherhood in Rendevouz that night. Comments are closed.
Marissa Pe